Traditionally finding quality real estate investments is a drawn out, challenging and exhausting process. It requires capital to get started, time for research and due-deligence, and tolerance for risk. Hours could be spent at a computer screen searching for the best combination of the right property and the right lender. This is only magnified when trying to invest overseas or across boarders.
Without AQRE, investors are overloaded with choices when filtering through the density of real estate options. The ability to access and search a curated database of investment properties with high returns is crucial to the success of the app. I based my designs to deliver upon the following key areas.
A clear understanding of who the primary users would be for the app was critical. Blockchain technology is new and complex. Along with the added hurdle of a native cryptocurrency for the app, user personas were especially important strategically. wanted to weigh whether it was worth pursing a market and/or demographic with little knowledge of the technology. Like most new technology, blockchain and cryptocurrency
By performing online surverys and in-person interviews, I created user personas with the data that forged our strategy and user centered design. Some of the learnings are shared below.
Survery responsders over the age of 40 who have some knowledge of cryptocurrency do no trust it, and would not consider using an investment app on their mobile device
Our surveys concluding that people over the age of 44 do not see cryptocurrency as an investment tool, nor do they use investment apps on their mobile device. Predominately males were most interested in cryptocurrency, and this helped us create user persona
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